Some South American cities have settled under a predatory world logic that leads to multiple scales of alienation. It is where the agency of the body, of space, of history, of memory is often lost. However there are the experiences that manage to leak the field of hegemonies, to deconstruct the consensus and the pre-established logic of the city. Points of instability that create other politics, other imaginaries. Looking closely at the photographs from the Communication Agency of the Belo Horizonte City Hall, I seek to organize photographic narratives that disrupt what we know as urban history. The gestures that broke and break the consensus. In an exercise of thinking the politics of images, in the confluence of times and spaces, memory. Entering the rubble of reality to set in motion in the present, the small traces of light from the past recorded on photosensitive surfaces.

How to reference the publication:

MUSA, Priscila Mesquita. (2019) Contra Cidades: Narrativas de Instabilidade. XII Seminário Internacional Políticas de La Memória, Buenos Aires.